image source:pixabay Once you find a good car seat, it’s hard to keep up with all the updated versions. Most car seats expire after six to ten years, so you need to purchase a new seat. If you...
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Automobile crashes are the number one killer of children between the ages of three and 14. In fact, nearly 1,000 kids die in car collisions every single year in the United States alone. More than...
Best Car Seat Buyer’s Guide: The Best Six Orbit Baby Alternatives
With the demise of the popular and celebrity-lauded Orbit Baby brand, many parents have wondered where to turn for a quality baby travel system. We've got suggestions for you that will not only...
When it comes to car seats, safety is the most important factor. As long as you provide your child with a safe, reliable seat, you can breathe easier when you drive. If you need an affordable car...
If you have a child and are traveling by car, depending on that child’s age, you may be required to have them in a protective car seat for the duration of the drive. For those who are unsure...
Graco Size4Me 65 Review: A Convertible Car Seat That’s Safe For Your Child
When you become a parent, your child's car seat is one of the most important pieces of baby gear you'll buy. It's right up there with your little one's crib, his or her stroller, and that bat-shaped...